Si-4-Eco – Silicate – gyre dynamics: consequences for north Atlantic ecological productivity
2024 - 2027
Havgransking í Norðuratlantshavi
Fólk á Havstovuni
Hjálmar Hátún og Jan Arge Jacobsen
The main objective is to investigate and quantify how the sub‐polar gyre in the north Atlantic affects the productivity of multiple trophic levels throughout the food web.
The project aims at investigating and quantifying how North Atlantic food web productivity is affected by the Sub-Polar Gyre (SPG) by
- developing new multi-decadal gyre index time series and comparison with other time-series of environmental variability,
- identification and development of data-sets of productivity to be compared with the gyre time-series at several locations, time-scales and trophic levels, and
- develop understanding of how regional productivity is affected by gyre dynamics at present and in a climate change scenario. The project is based on hypothetic relationships between marine productivity in the eastern/north-eastern Atlantic, the amount of winter mixing of the water column south of Greenland and the resulting silicate levels, and the distribution of silicate through SPR-mediated transport towards the north and east.